Driving Lessons  
  About ReTech  
Organizational Memberships:
The Association of Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (ADED)
The Rehabilitation Engineering Society of North America
The National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association
The New England Driver Traffic Safety Educator's Association (NETSEA)
ReTech Corporate Missions
  Case Management Services  
  Rehabilitation Technology Associates, Inc. was founded in the fall of 1994 and positioned as the official state consulting firm for vocational rehabilitation agencies, providing expert advice and direction to consumers who request adapted vehicle modifications.  
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  Through case management, ReTech consultants typically guide consumers in New York through the appropriate evaluation and driver training. Services include advice regarding vehicles that meet specific state guidelines for modification and vehicle safety standards from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Case management is available to consumers in New York State.  
  ReTech’s Principal Consultants  
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  Gail Babirad CDI, CDRS  
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  Gail Babirad, President of Retech Associates, oversees operations of the company. Following graduation from SUNY Fredonia, Gail worked in various fields including the Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation unit at MetroHealth Medical Center in Cleveland, OH and as an optician in Indiana. She has been in vocational rehabilitation case management since the start of Retech Associates. Retech Associates is a Woman-Owned Business, certified by Empire State Development in 2013.  
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  Gail earned her NYS DMV Certified Driving Instructor credentials in 2006. She obtained her driver rehabilitation certification (CDRS) through ADED in 2008. She was President of the ADED Northeast Chapter for three years, Vice President for two years and has been on the board of NETSEA—the New England Traffic Safety Educators Association for three years. She coordinated fall conferences for ADED Northeast with NETSEA for six years, as well as a separate conference for ADED Northeast chapter members in 2007.  
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  Jurgen Babirad MSA, CDRS  
  Jurgen is a former Research Associate Professor in the LC Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University. He received a BA in Sociology and Law and Justice at SUNY Fredonia and obtained his MSA in Health Care Administration at the University of Notre Dame. He has been a leader in the area of assistive technology for individuals with disabilities with a concentration on adaptive driving technology and has been active in developing multidisciplinary programs in assistive technology in hospitals and rehabilitation units in Indiana, Ohio and New York. As a member of the Association of Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (ADED) since 1981, he has served in many leadership roles including President of both the National and regional chapters. He is a published author, giving lectures on adaptive driving for obtaining positive outcomes. He provides expert advice and driver rehabilitation services with an extensive history of expertise.  
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